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MEMORY as a container for a real data

In the recently released version 0.31.0, we’ve changed the behavior of the memory object. Until now, when we stored an object in memory, it attempted to dataize the object into data and started behaving accordingly. However, we are now reevaluating the concept of data within our language, and the memory is an entry point.

Let’s delve into the topic of data for a moment. In every programming language, we are accustomed to representing data using various primitive types, or in our case, objects such as int, float, bytes, string, and bool. But upon closer examination, you may observe that four of them can be reduced to bytes, making it unnecessary to single them out.

Henceforth, there are only two fundamental entities in our language: objects and data, with data being merely a sequence of bytes, nothing more.

Now, let’s revisit how we used memory previously. Consider the following code, which illustrates a typical usage of memory:

memory 0 > mem

while. > @
  mem.lt 10
    mem.write > @
      mem.plus 1

Here, after storing an int in memory, it behaves as if it were an int, allowing access to all internal objects of the int. In this case, int acts as data. However, from now on, an int is just a regular object, and bytes is the sole representation of data. memory adheres to these rules. The following code demonstrates how the behavior of memory has been altered:

memory 0 > mem

while. > @
  mem.as-int.lt 10
    mem.write > @
      mem.as-int.plus 1

Here, after storing an int in memory, it behaves like bytes – genuine data.

Additionally, it’s important to remember that memory is not unlimited. Therefore, we have introduced a new restriction: when memory accepts and converts an object into data for the first time, it records the object’s length in bytes. Subsequently, it is not permissible to write an object whose length in bytes exceeds that of the original object.

As a result, the following code will fail:

memory TRUE > mem # <-- 1 byte is written here

mem.write 10 > @  # <-- 8 bytes are written here

However, it’s crucial to note that memory only retains the length of the first stored object. Consequently, the following code will NOT fail:

memory 8 > mem   # <-- 8 bytes are written here

seq > @
  mem.write TRUE # <-- 1 byte is written here
  mem.write 10   # <-- 8 bytes are written here again

That’s all for today, be in touch!