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New Syntax for Nameless @-Bound-Only Objects

We’re continuing to observe the features of the latest release of EO, and today we’re talking about new syntax for nameless @-bound-only objects.

The @ attribute is a special attribute that indicates the current object decorates another object. For example, in the snippet below, objects cat and dog decorate an object animal:

[voice] > animal

[] > cat
  animal "Meow" > @

[] > dog
  animal "Woof" > @

The attribute @ is also often used in nameless abstract objects. A common example is the second argument of the object try:

  1.div 0
    QQ.io.stdout > @

We noticed quite some time ago that there are so many small objects with only the @ attribute bound. So, to simplify the code and reduce the number of indentations, we introduced new syntax for such objects:

QQ.io.stdout e > [e]

# Which is the same as

  QQ.io.stdout e > @

# OR

  QQ.io.stdout > @

It’s worth noting that only objects in horizontal notation can be used with such syntax:

QQ.io.stdout e > [e]       # horizontal application, the same as:
                           # [e]
                           #   QQ.io.stdout e > @
if. true first second > [] # reversed horizontal application, the same as:
                           # []
                           #   if. > @
                           #     true
                           #     first
                           #     second
                           # OR
                           # []
                           #   if. true first second > @
QQ.io.stdout > []          # horizontal method/dispatch, the same as:
                           # []
                           #   QQ.io.stdout > @
x > []                     # object reference, the same as:
                           # []
                           #   x > @
                           # OR
                           # [] (x > @)
[x] (5.plus x > sum) > [i] # horizontal anonymous abstract object
                           # the same as:
                           # [i]
                           #   [x] > @
                           #     5.plus x > sum

All objects in vertical notation can NOT be used with such syntax and their usage leads to a parsing exception:

QQ.io.stdout > [e]         # vertical application - wrong
  e                        #
QQ                         # vertical method/dispatch - wrong
.io                        #
.stdout > [e]              #
if. > @                    # reversed vertical method with application - wrong
  true                     #
  first                    #
  second                   #
[x] > [i]                  # vertical anonymous abstract object - wrong
  5.plus x > sum           #

Returning to the example with object try, it can now be written in a shorter and more convenient way:

  1.div 0
  QQ.io.stdout e > [e]

That’s all for today. We’ll be right back in a week with a new fresh blog post. Stay in touch.