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How to Compile Against a Fixed Version of Objectionary

When you compile your EO code, the compiler discovers which objects are “foreign” and tries to find them in Objectionary. It finds them, downloads, and then compiles locally. The problem is that the objects in Objectionary are not static: they get new versions very often. That’s why, in order to stabilize your build you may want to use their fixed versions.

Introduced 'number' Object

Since 0.23.15 version it is possible to use number object just like this:

# this is 7
(QQ.math.number -7).abs 

It is a decorator of int and float objects with the following additional attributes:

Unit Testing with 'eoc'

There is eoc, a command line tool that helps you automate compilation, transpilation, and execution of simple EO programms. With this tool you can also create and execute unit tests. Just name them *-test.eo and add metas +junit to them.

Introduced 'string.slice' Object

Since 0.23.8 version it is possible to use string.slice object just like this:

"Привет".slice 1 2

Here, slice object returns “ри” string, which is a substring of “ри” string from the specified start position and with the length len.

If above parameters will be out of bound, slice will return an error object instead of a new string object.

Memory Can't Be Empty

Until version 0.23.7 it was possible to use memory object just like this:

memory > m
m.write 42

At the first line, a copy of memory was made and then labeled as m. This was a bug in the language. The object memory must not be copied if there are no arguments provided for the copying (application) operation.

We Got Rid of Object 'char'

Since 0.23.6 version of EO we get rid of char object. We want to simplify core of the language and believe that this object can be easily replaced with its actual representation, i.e. an array of bytes. Now, if you want to get the character, you can just use string object instead. All of these examples are valid strings: "\u0123", "h", "\t", "\n" and "\07". We get rid of string.char-at and bytes.as-char objects.

What EO is for?

EO is a new experimental programming language. EO is not planning to become a mainstream language—this is not what we want. Our main goal is to prove to ourselves that true object-oriented programming is practically possible. Not just in books and abstract examples, but in real code that works. That’s why EO is being created—to put all that “crazy” pure object-oriented ideas into practice and see whether they can work.