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We are hiring!

ATTENTION! We are also hiring interns (BSc and MSc students). Find me in Telegram, we will discuss: yegor256.

EOLANG is an R&D project, where we create a new programming language in order to introduce new techniques of object-oriented programming. We believe that existing object-oriented languages, such as Java and C++, are not strong enough in their adherence to the object paradigm originally introduced by Alan Kay and earlier implemented in languages like Smalltalk and Self. Besides that, we expect to explore the possibility of using our new language as an intermediate representation in the process of optimization of mainstream languages. EOLANG is based on đťś‘-calculus, which is a formal foundation for it and potentially for other object-oriented languages.

We have a few open positions in our team:

  • Java developer
  • C++ developer
  • Rust developer

Automating the Pull of New Releases for EO Libraries

As a developer, keeping up with the latest releases of libraries is crucial to ensure that your code is up-to-date and optimized. However, manually checking for new releases can be time-consuming and tedious. That’s why we’ve created an automated pull system for new releases of EO libraries in our Home repository.

Declarative WHILE: nested example

Previous post by @yegor256 explained declarative WHILE nature. Let’s examine more complex example when while objects are nested.

The WHILE Object Is Declarative Now

In the recently released version 0.28.14 we’ve changed the iterating algorithm of the bool.while object. Until now, by our mistake, it was imperative. Now, it’s declarative. The difference is in the result of its dataization. The previous imperative version was “returning” a data object. The new declarative one returns the latest body of the loop (without dataization!). The difference is huge (thanks to it, many of our tests broke).

Object Adoption

In the recently released version 0.28.14 we introduced a new language feature, which is called “object adoption” — because it allows changing of an object’s parent. Every object in EO has a parent object, which is set to it when it’s born (either formed or copied). Until the recent release it was not possible to change the parent object using EO language. However, it was possible to do this from inside an atom (through Java). Now, there is no special API inside Java, but the feature is available through EO.

How to Create a Java Atom

There are “atoms” in EO language, which are objects implemented by the runtime platform, not by a composition of other EO objects. Most notable examples of atoms are int.plus, float.times, and bool.while. Here is a quick intruction to creating your own atoms.

XMIR, a Quick Tour

XMIR is a dialect of XML, which we use to represent a parsed EO program. It is a pretty simple format, which has a few important tricks, which I share below in this blog post. You may also want to check our schema: XMIR.xsd.

EO Build Process: Placed Catalog

As described in this blog post place step of EO build process copies compiled files from dependencies’ JARs into target/classes folder to have them in classpath during compilation later. You can check PlaceMojo class for exact logic of this step.
All copied files are registered within “placed catalog,” which is normally stored as target/eo/placed.csv file. Let’s consider structure of the catalog in more details.